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The Review of Korean Studies

New Interpretation of the Stone Replicas in the Russian Maritime Province: Re-Evaluation from the Perspective of Korean Archaeology

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2009, v.12 no.2, pp.187-210
Shinya Shoda (University of Tokyo)
Oksana Yanshina (Russian Academy of Science)

Naoto Teramae (Osaka University)
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Weapon-shaped stone tools from the Russian Maritime Province have been used by Russian scholars to date the regional Bronze Age and Early Iron Age since they are thought to be mainly replicas of bronze items from the southern Siberian Seima-Turbino, Karasuk, and Tagar cultures. Although Russian archaeologists have paid some attention to the neighboring area comprised of the Korean Peninsula, northeast China and the Japanese archipelago, linguistic barriers have prevented them from a detailed investigation. Recent research in Korean archaeology has shown that there are very similar daggers to the Maritime Province’s Tagar-type replicas in Korea’s Late Bronze Age. They follow the tradition of stone daggers from the Early Bronze Age, which seems to be influenced by the first millennium BCE Upper Xiajiadian culture from northeast China. This example suggests that a direct influence from southern Siberia appears an unconvincing hypothesis. To reconstruct more precise relationships among various bronze and stone replicas, it is necessary to collect all related objects from the regions in question and to catalogue them for a comparative typological study.

Korean archaeology, Russian Maritime Province, stone replica, weapon-shaped stone tool, bronze, imitative production



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The Review of Korean Studies